Tried to kill'; self in June. Hospitalized and then into out-pt. Anti-depressents made it worse. Now on Deprokote (new) and Focalin for ADHD (severe) and clonidine to sleep. Impulsive, fast and angry. Worry about episodes and sfety of family. Adopted with Huntington's in genes and possible bi-polar. School will be a challenge this year.Any advice on coping with a 7 yearold just diagnosed with bi polar? He is angry and tries to hurt family.?
I don't know if they explained bipolar to you..In children they will do anything thing it takes to fill their emotional needs at any costs. Since they are young and can not process and verbalize emotion like adults their coping skills are fewer and they must be taught..over,and over,and over. I do recommend DBT therapy. It is greatly successful in youth. Dialect behavior therapy. I have worked with youth ages 10-22 with severe emotional needs so if you need any contact resources I may be able to help you. Stay strong,react calmly, and use emergency respite when you need to!Any advice on coping with a 7 yearold just diagnosed with bi polar? He is angry and tries to hurt family.?
Have you asked what he's angry about? and worked through that.
the safety of the rest of the family is paramount. I would try to get him into an institution. I am so so sorry. God Bless you
Your boy is on alot of medication, and it doesn't seem to be effective if he is still having episodes. Please keep a log of all his behaviors for at least a week, and take them to his psychiatrist, if he's not seeing one, he should be. It will show the psychiatrist just how severe his behaviors are. Document the time, place behavior occurred, how long it lasted before you could calm him, and what you did that finally ended the episode. Also, is there anything he really likes? Try putting him in a reward program for positive behaviors. And lastly, is he playing any sports? If not, he probably should be, often getting that extra energy out of a child will help some with his sleeping at night. School will be hard, my son is ADD and I have to keep on top of him, it can be exhausting, but in the end it is so rewarding because he made the honor roll (in honors courses!) last year and was so proud of himself. He also played baseball, golf and tennis! It's possible with the right medication and keep him on as much of a routine schedule as possible. Set times for studying, working on projects, etc. and don't let him out of it. (but give some small 5 min. breaks if he gets tired). Read with him every night too (note: with him: let him do reading until he gets tired, then you read a page or two, take turns) , it helps their reading skills. Good Luck.
I'd be tempted to give him back--you have your hands full.
I don't know what to say, a horrible situation.
Children with ADHD and Bipolar belong in reform or military type schools. They shouldn't be placed in with the general population. They are totally out of control. There's no solution. Medication doesn't phase them. They are mean spirited, selfish, angry and a danger to themselves and others. Maybe exorcism is the answer. I would take the ';child'; to the Dept. of Human Services and tell them you can't control him/her. This has been my personal experience.
If he is still in bad mental shape then his meds might not be helping. Sometimes it takes trial and error with some meds but work with his doctor on trying to find the right ones. You may need to seek a counselor to help bring out his anger issues BUT you have to reassure him that no matter what ,
you will always love and be there for him. He need to know that he is wanted and loved and to feel that although others may look down on him that he has you to turn to for comfort.Be optimistic for him encourage him even if its with little things he likes to do. good luck! Get info on bipolar to stay aware of things.
My only suggestion is to find a local support group and ask the same question.
I have no easy answer for you. My son is bi polar, and was just diagnosed by his psychiatrist last year, in his late 20's. He has lived with this diorder for many years, but we didn't know what it was. His and your son's acting out, sound the same. After years of tears and frustration in searching for the correct medications we now have him with a psychiatrist that has found the correct medication to keep him in control. It will always mean tweaking of medications from time to time. Once you find the correct meds, you must give them as directed and not miss doses. That is very important. Your son is not mean, some people do not have a clue. He has a disorder, that can be treated with the proper meds. It may take time to find the correct meds, and everyone reacts differently. There is no miracle pill, but there are medications that will help your son to function. With my son, it takes 3 different medications working together to help him cope. It may take time, and a lot of patience, and prayers. Work closely with a good pshychiatrist, and read as much as you can on the subject to be informed. This requires a doctor with specialty, and a general doctor of medicine is probably not going to be able to prescribe the psychotrophic medications that he will need. I never wanted my son on a lot of meds, but it has been the meds that have helped him tremendously. God speed.
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