Thursday, July 29, 2010

Need Advice about living close or far from family?

My husband and I are looking to buying a home but I can't decide whether to live close to my mom and have to conform to a small house or live about 45 minutes from her and have a nicer bigger newer house. What would you guys do? My mom tells me I should live closer to her so she can help me because Im pregnant and also have a 2 year old. She says she won't be able to help me that much if im farther away.Need Advice about living close or far from family?
Think about it a minute, your mother can not drive 45 minutes down the road and help you with your child but wants it to be convenient for you by getting you to get close to her. She sounds so controlling to me and wants everything her way. If you move next to her then you are playing right into her hands and you and that child will never have a moments peace. A parent always wants their child to have bigger and better than they had so i do not get why she is not for you getting a better house and bigger so your child can enjoy his space and live comfortably. If you have the money and work then hey you do what you want to do. What does your husband want you to do? that is really what counts isn't it? Momma is trying to get you back home so she can have it like it used to be and be there at any time when she pleases even when you are wanting no company and esp when the child needs to nap. this is not a good idea move to the house that you want not that your mother wants.This is not her life, it is yours , live it like it is yours.Need Advice about living close or far from family?
well you need to think about whats best for YOU and YOUR FAMILY. your mother does have point that she could help out with babysitting and such, but would it be nicer to live on your own and meet new people in a bigger and nicer house for you? the decision is up to you but look at the pros and cons of each situation. good luck %26amp; hope i helped (:
I live 8 minutes from my mother in law who is a HUGE help with the kids. move close!!
ok,she right you will gonna need some help!!! 2 babys its too much work!!!
It is up to you. If you get along well with your mom she will probably help you out a lot. If you live too far from her she may not be able to see you or her grandchild often. If you are okay with that then move farther away. I would prefer to live closer to my mother. Right now I live in an apartment right downstairs from my mother. She can be a bit much when see buts in when I discipline my kids but then again, during my pregnancy she would help me by taking my kids when I was tired. Feeding them when I was sleep and washing them up and putting them to bed. There are pros and cons that you need to weigh out. Right them down and which ever has the most pros go with that choice.

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