Thursday, July 29, 2010

Why does it feel better to ask a total stranger for advice than a close friend of family member?

It's probably because there is no attachment involved. Thus, the giver is not clouded by his judgments for or against you. Although it feels awkward sometimes but you yourself can weigh his/her advice/s and eventually end up relating the same with your opinion. It is safe actually to share your problems with a stranger but you must be conscious of your limitations. AND DON'T FORGET THE GREATEST ADVISER - GOD. Nothing will go wrong with him.Why does it feel better to ask a total stranger for advice than a close friend of family member?
Because a stranger is well...a stranger.

They don't know you or your history, and won't be able to judge you.

They won't constantly follow your every move or constantly question your decision.

It's an outside perspective. They won't say something just to make you feel better.

You've got nothing to lose when asking a stranger.

Whereas with serious topics (ex: suicide, sex, ect) your friends and family members will always be there bothering and looking at you with concerned eyes. It makes the situation worse.Why does it feel better to ask a total stranger for advice than a close friend of family member?
we have no emotional attachment and have an objective few based on the information the asker gives us. There for we can tell the absolute truth with as little bias as possible.
because you just find it easier to talk to someone that doesnt know your life that wont judge you
Because you dont have to worry about being judged by somebody you know.
because they dont know anything about u except for what u put in the question and they cant judge u.
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