Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Advice for a guy whos dating a girl whos family hates him?

I've been dating this hispanic girl (puerto rican) for 2 years now and we have a real strong relationship but her family hates my guts because I am white even her mother who is of spainiard descent. My family adores her and I'm really thinking about proposing but its her family that's keeping me and her back. Her last boyfriend was a black man and was accepted but with me I guess I'm a different story with them.Advice for a guy whos dating a girl whos family hates him?
They could grow to love you as they see you caring for their daughter and treating her like a queen. You should propose if you think that the two of you can build a life together that would be beautiful and meaningful, and not worry about her family.Advice for a guy whos dating a girl whos family hates him?
ask yourself if you love her enough to be able to live with this situation of them hating you for the rest of your lives, or most of your lives.

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