I want to move my family (six of us, 4 kids under the age of 15). We were looking at Oceanside area and a few other areas.
I am looking for good neighborhoods, and good public schools. Also a concern is air quality. I have two with Asthma and sinus allergies. I know it's expensive but I'm looking for a reasonable area with good jobs and decent housing. Thanks for the help!I want to move my family to Southern California, need advice.?
Well try Naional City..
The weather is nice: Its not that cold when its cold. and its not that hot went its hot.. so the weather is so normal!!
:]I want to move my family to Southern California, need advice.?
Southern California isn't known for air quality! It's called pollution and smog. Good luck moving to a large, populous and urban city. Oceanside is fairly inexpensive, old and given that its so far up in the North County, it's about a 40 minute drive give or take to central San Diego. I've got allergies and often times living near the ocean is a lot easier on the sinusitis then living inland. The perks to living up there is the weather, it's a smaller city and is far away from the urban squalor. The downside is Oside is somewhat rundown, I hear there are issues with gangs and the travel time. Good luck!
Don't recommend southern california if you have Asthma and sinus allergies.
I have both, and relocated for awhile to Portland Oregon, where I no longer needed my daily medications. While driving back to San Diego, the minute we hit Burbank, I became miserable and all my symptoms came rushing back. By the time we arrived in San Diego, I could barely see or breath.
We call California ';The People's Republic of California'; because of the high taxation and cost of living.
The schools are not what they could be, do in large part of that teachers spend a lot of time compensating for students that don't speak English very well. As a result, my nephews are in private school, and we pay thru the nose for it.
Once my brother-in-law retires from the Navy, we are all moving out of state, having lived here off and on since 1983.
I live in Southern California (within twenty miles of Oceanside) and I have to tell you that it is beautiful and very very expensive here. My GF has asthma and it can get very hard for her to breathe. We have almost had to go to the emergency room and she is a full grown adult. We are moving away for that very reason.
well i like in san diego,
and i must say there is NO COMPLAINING.
the weather is beautiful daily.
you just have to pickk the right spot.
maybe rancho san diego?
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