Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Family migrating to Australia requires Advice on settlement?

I am migrating to Melbourne with my family (2adults + 2 kids).

I am a marketing professional(textiles) %26amp; my wife is a professional primary school teacher with 4yrs experience in teaching in India.We will land soon in Melbourne.We would like to fetch jobs for ourselves as soon as we arrive there.Pl give us some ideas regd. it.Also a decent family accomodation required which possibly should be near to good government school for my kids (aged 5yrs and 7yrs)Family migrating to Australia requires Advice on settlement?
Well I welcome you to this great country.

But I am somewhat surpised that you did not do some of this research before you decide that Australia was the place to migrate to for whatever reason you have.

You say your wife has teaching experience in India, well what you have to know for her to get employed is ..Does Australia recognise her teaching qualifications. Is her English both spoken and written and other qualifications up to the standard required by the education department to allow her to teach.

Your job in textiles.. Marketing professional, just another salesperson! or commercial traveller..

The textile industry in Australia is somewhat depleted since many of the fabrics sold are from outside of Australia. Even the once Australian woollen mills are almost gone or not in areas that are that conjucive to live. Basically 3 wholesale wharehouses market fabrics and they usually promote people from their own ranks to do their marketing. It is not easy to break in to this very closed field

There are many Indians and Pakistanis who came to Australia all looking for the good life and had great qualifications in their own country, sadly most of them are just porters, taxi drivers, bus drivers and laborers rather than the Doctors, Accountants Managers and whatever else they were in India or Pakistan. A few from these regions soiled their reputation by falsifying qualifications and taking positions they were less than qualified to do.

Many also fail to really integrate into the Australian culture, this has been mainly due to their inability to get good jobs that let them enjoy a standard of living that was equivalent or better than where they once were. These people have gravitated into colonies of Indian and Pakistani suburbs that tend to keep them isolated from the mainstream of Australian culture and integration.

You need to think very carfully and do some real research to ensure that what you think you are going to receive by coming here is not a gross dissapointment to you and your family.

I wish you wellFamily migrating to Australia requires Advice on settlement?
this depends on where you are migrating from, as to how easy it is to immigrate. You could give immigration a call or go to thier website: www.immi.gov.au

also, it is important before u start working that you have a Tax File Number, which u can get by going to www.ato.gov.au this is to ensure u are taxed etc...

also to find good accommodation go to www.realestate.com.au to find rental properties and properties for sale

hope that helps, enjoy living in this awesome country :)
Alot of questions and helpful advice is listed on the Live in Victoria website - http://www.liveinvictoria.vic.gov.au

Things to do first when you arrive in Australia http://www.immi.gov.au/living-in-austral鈥?/a> and info on settling here http://www.immi.gov.au/living-in-austral鈥?/a>

I do not know the schools in the area - but for an idea on house rental prices search for Melbourne on http://www.realestate.com.au/cgi-bin/rse鈥?/a>

Jobs - take a look at 'About Working In Australia - http://www.workingin-australia.com










Good Luck - you'll love your new life in Australia !
When you first arrive get a cabin from either the Big4 or Top Tourist .caravanTourist parks. They will have all you need in them while sorting yourself out. You can phone the police station for advice on areas good or bad to live. Depends if you get them at a busy time to how much info you will get. but you can phone a few different Police Stations.
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