From personal experience you can't make them get help, they have to realise this for themselves. You need to make this person see what that are doing to themselves and how it is affecting the family. Don't start any major debates when they're drunk, try and speak to them before they start drinking.
You need to keep the house dry, this may have to be a permanent arrangement, many recovering alcoholics will find it extremely tempting if they are around alcohol. You will have to put a brave face on it and tell friends and family not to drink at your home or with the person.
Al-Anon is a great support network. They run groups for children that are very good, it can often be harder for children and teens who may not be able to bring friends round because of problem drinking. Even if you are unable to persuade this person to seek help, I would advise you to speak to Al-Anon, you need support to keep you strong enough to help your family member to give up alcohol.
This isn't going to be easy but I wish you the best of luck. KWhat advice would you give to someone living with an alcoholic in their immediate family?
Call ALANON to find a local chapter. It's for people just like this.
Searh it on the internet. This is a little blurb I found.
Al-Anon is self-help recovery program for people who believe their lives may have been affected by someone else's drinking. We come together to find help and support in dealing with the effects of alcoholism on our lives. The single purpose of these programs is to help families and friends of alcoholics, whether the alcoholic is drinking or not.What advice would you give to someone living with an alcoholic in their immediate family?
Are you old enough to be on your own? If you are then I suggest some tough love, sometimes it is the only wat. If you re not sure then call the AA line, I'm sure they can give you some support.
Support the alcoholic, stand by them....not to easy but that's the only way they can do until the person is ready to give up.
Try and stop the alcoholic from drinking too much and getting abusive. :] xx chat to coach! good luck
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