Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My fiance and I want to start our family...any advice on conceiving? preferably advice that has worked ;)?

We have not been using protection in the past but have not gotten pregnant...we have a chance to really try in mid-december any tips would be helpful :)My fiance and I want to start our family...any advice on conceiving? preferably advice that has worked ;)?
Make sure that you are not focusing on getting pregnant, you need to enjoy it. Stressing out about becoming pregnant puts a strain on you and your relationship.

Try to calculate when your next ovulation would be, and youcan buy an ovualtion calculator or figure out when your next period is due to begin and count back 12 to 16 days. This will give you a range of days when you will probably be ovulating.

Plus just give it time, it can take the average couple up to a year to concieve. But I doubt it will take that long.

Just be positive don't focus on the goal, enjoy what you will be doing, besides practice is good.

Eat healthy, this can also better your chances.

Good Luck to you and your fiance.My fiance and I want to start our family...any advice on conceiving? preferably advice that has worked ;)?
i have alot of things you can try. First you can try the cervical mucus method and the cervical position to find out when you are ovulating. go to http://www.babywishes.proboards76.com for info on this. next you can try charting your basal body temp. every morning. make sure the thermometer is a basal body thermometer though. buy some ovulation predictor kits (opk's) to find when you are ovulating. after sex, put one pillow under your butt and lie there 30 mins around ovulation. dont use more than one pillow or the sperm will pool under your cervix. use instead cups. these are mainly for the menstral period, but women are using them to get pregnant. its like a little ';cup'; that is flexible. you have sex or you can have him ejaculate into it. insert it into your vagina where your cervix is. that way the sperm is right at your cervix. dont stress. that will just lead to missed periods and anovulatory cycles. take a good prenatal vitamin. dont drink or smoke. this cuts down on fertility. also dont drink caffeine which also cuts down on fertility. i hope this helped!
Relax and have fun... try to avoid lube as I've heard (personally have not researched this) , but some lubes can actually kill off sperm. Make sure you're taking folic acid or a multi vitamin w/ some in it. Good luck!!
About then days after my period my husband and I started having sex like crazy everyday. I also started taking prenatal pills a month before, Oh yeah and some lady told me to always be on the bottom and that when we finished having sex to keep my legs up in the air. All this worked because I got pregnant right away.
It depends on how long your menstrual cycle is, assuming your cycle is regular.

For example: (and this is the medical communities' general consensus on ovulation times)

28 day cycle = ovulating day 14

30 day cycle = ovulating day 16

32 day cycle = ovulating day 18

and so on....

You count the 'days' by starting with the first day of your period. That is day 1. My recommendation to you is to have sex every other day as soon as your period ends. Since sperm live on average for 72 hours in the fallopian tubes, this will ensure a constant supply of swimmers.

Best of luck!
There are lots of things you can do to increase your chances of conception! You can start taking your basal body temp ( you can get the thermometer at your local drug store for fairly cheap) read the directions that come w/ it...it should tell you how to track your ovulation times...you should have intercourse 1-2 days before you ovulate, and continue through ovulation...I've heard that if you climax after he does, the contraction of your muscles helps the sperm travel to where they need to be...you can also try putting a pillow or two (depending on the size of the pillow!) under your hips to help keep the ';little guys'; in there and wait for about 10-15 minutes before using the restroom after intercourse....most importantly, don't stress too much over trying to get pregnant, this should be a fun and enjoyable time for both of you, and worrying over whether ';this is it'; or not won't help you in any way!!! Good luck, and happy trying!!!
I hate it when people go and have kids out side of marriage. So get married first then have kids. If you don't have kids now ohhh well tooo bad. If you get married and then have kids CONGRATULATIONS!
28 day cycle = ovulating day 14

30 day cycle = ovulating day 16

32 day cycle = ovulating day 18

Thats the best chart for ya. Missionary position is the best for conceiving. Drink plenty of water and stay healthy. Being healthy will help you conceive.

Try and have sex every other day when you are ovulating, rather then everyday so you give him time to build up sperm.

If it takes longer then 6 months, I suggest ';Taking Charge of Your Fertility'; by Toni Weschler. It is a very informative book and can help you chart your way to conception!

Good luck!
Get some ovualtion test sticks from the pharmacy so you know EXACTLY when you are ovualting. That is the best way to maximize you chance of conceiving. Have sex when the sticks indicate you are ovulating and the day after. Many women think they know when they are conceiving but they are basing their date on the ';standard'; cycle, which doesn't apply to everyone. Good luck!
Use condoms for a few weeks. When you are about to ovulate next cycle stop using the protection. Some women produce antibodies to their partners semen. This has helped a couple of people I know.

Good luck
You and your partner have tried for months, perhaps for even more than a year. But despite sexual intercourse without birth control, you've been unable to conceive a child.

If you've been trying to conceive for more than a year, there's a good chance that something may be interfering with your efforts to have a child. Infertility, also known as subfertility, is the inability to conceive a child within one year. Infertility may be due to a single cause in either you or your partner, or a combination of factors that may prevent a pregnancy from occurring or continuing.

Infertility differs from sterility. Being sterile means you're unable to conceive a child. With sterility, you or your partner has a physical problem that precludes the ability to conceive. A diagnosis of infertility simply means that becoming pregnant may be a challenge rather than an impossibility.

Good luck!


Infertility links:








Watch these videos, they may help!








Make sure you are healthy, stop drinking, smoking, and limit caffeine to 1 glass a day. Take folic acid, and a vitamin daily. No lubes. ONLY try on days 10, 12, 14, 16 of your cycle (not 10 thru 16 it decreases the sperm count thus decreasing your chances) and stay laying down for a hour afterwards.

You only have a 25% chance of getting pregnant each cycle and on average it take a couple 8 months to a conceive. Dont worry or stress about it ~ that also plays a role. Relax.
Get Married, then have a family.
Start 1 week after you finish your period.

Go at it like rabbits for 2 weeks.

Thats youre best time to get pregnant.

Could also take it once step furher and aim for those few days when youre ovulating.
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