Tuesday, July 27, 2010

How could my brother do this to our family?? advice please!!?

Im wondering if someone in here could give me some advice. Ill start at the beginning...

My brother is 6 years older than me and is diagnosed with XYY syndrome which makes him extremely impulsive and has a lack of realisation for consequences of his actions. He also has learning difficulties and other behavioural problems (i do not know all of them as my mums in bed because its 2 in the morning hehe) anyway ...

Even since i was young he would do little things such as robbing a sweet or breaking something and lieing about it but my mum thought this was normal. He was overly hyperactive an craved attention -even if it was negative any type of attention would suffice. This is when my mum realised that something was not right and eventually he was diagnosed with XYY.

It progressively became worse such as when he was in secondary school and was caught with vodka + red bull. My mum asked where he got the vodka from and he replied that the red bull came with it in :? .How could my brother do this to our family?? advice please!!?
he sounds bi-polar,i have a friend that is exactly the same,dont judge to harshly,even though it hurts your life,he has no control over this at times,and i bet he is riddled with guilt.How could my brother do this to our family?? advice please!!?
You don't say how old you or your brother are, but he sounds like he is in desperate need of medication and/or counseling. He may have bipolar disorder. I suppose he won't go back to the doctor because he doesn't think he has a problem. Your mom needs to practice ';tough love'; and if he causes any problems for her at her home (does he still live at home?) she should call the police.
He needs to have more care and therapy than he is getting.
from the info you yourself provided, this is GENETIC disorder and therefor your brother isnt DOING this to any of you it is HAPPENING TO HIM. I know that is a tough pill to swallow and it absolutely does mean yuo all have to just live with it. I think most of the advice you were already given was good in that most call for more psych treatment for him. Your family must be terribly pained by the constant ';crises'; that seem to happen to him. It is a most difficult way to live. Again, he needs more psych help than he has right now. Contact his current provider and let them know what is happening
well... you said he had a disease, maybe you could do some research and find out whether others with xxy have the same outbursts. the try and be really, really nice to him, cuz if i knew i had a disease, i'd act up to.
I have no idea what XYY syndrome is, never heard of it, however I've heard of behavior as you describe it. I know of one person who was just like that but ended up as an alcoholic and on drugs instead of just alcohol. His father was in the military and overseas and when he got back he mistreated his son, ignored him and belittled him...and that's why he turned out like he did. So I guess I'd be wondering just what happened to your brother at an early age, like how your father treated him. Kids lie to keep from being punished. Kids exaggerate when they want attention. Something was missing when he was a child. If he was caught with vodka then he was acting out, rebelling for some reason. He needs to trace that back to when it first started happening and why it happened. Because those things continue in his life, he still continues to be a child in some respects. I would suggest he get some counseling and work thru his past so he can move to his present and future.
It sounds like your brother age 21 really does need help as well as close supervision at this time. The family, should refer him to get lifelong financial help due to this condition XYY as well as bipolar disorder and personality disorder. His threats of suicide should be taken seriously and he should be evaluated for intake. This assistance would certainly relieve the family of the constant fear and stress that having someone in his mental state to look after dailly in the home. It is quite normal for families with such problems to seek family counseling together because all of you have been under tremendous amounts of stress. He obviously will not be able to manage his own affairs and if you love him, assisted living may be the safest way to help him survive. He is not responsible for his condition or for his own behavior resulting from it and it goes without stigma or blame. It is an illness.
hes messed up man dont let him get to you because he is irrational
Get to doctor and have in institution

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