Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Why is it that when you ask for family advice on Y!A, the answerers try to steer you further?

%26amp; judging you as a trouble-maker, rather than giving suggestions on how to make you closer with your family?Why is it that when you ask for family advice on Y!A, the answerers try to steer you further?
Some folks feel duty bound to mess with people. I'm sorry that you had a bad experience but sometimes the way a question is asked makes it hard to decipher if it really a problem or someone trolling, I know I have answered some questions that had to be jokes...so I have responded in kind, never rudely to anyone that I felt had a legitimate problem. Please don't stop asking for advice just because of a few people.Why is it that when you ask for family advice on Y!A, the answerers try to steer you further?
They dont everything about what goes on in your family.
I think most people on Y!A are loners or they would be out and about instead of hanging around here. So the thought of people... even family members interfering with them sets them off a bit.

You just have to me a little more careful in your phrasing that you want to improve your family experience life and not just meddle.
I am sorry that you or someone that you know have

experienced this. The best that I can say is take

it to the Lord in prayer. He knows you he loves you

in spite of what others may say. I Hope that you are

not feeling down, but if you are please take consolation

in knowing Jesus the Savior loves you more than anyone

else can and he knows your heart. Tomorrow is Sunday

you know what to do.
I don't really agree with what you said, I know that when a legitimate question is asked, one that is easy to read and easy to figure out what the problem is, I am very sincere in my answers.

When the question sounds off the way, and it is hard to decipher what is really meant, then it makes it difficult to know if it is a real question.

I believe that others can often give you some advice that might help your situation, so don't let one bad experience stop you from trying again.

Good luck!

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