My sister is 22 years old. she's a really pretty girl and would have every opportunity in the world going for her except she always makes really bad decisions. she has a crappy, useless group of friends and an AWFUL boyfriend that does nothing at all - not for her, not for anyone. She buys him everything and does everything for him, and he mooches off of everyone, without even saying thank you - he just demands and takes. but for some reason, everyone ';worships'; this kid. he's 24 and doesn't have any education or job. she just graduated with her AA after 4 years of working on it. she's not stupid, she just doesn't really care, she's always hangin out with friends. my parents have offered her ';once in a lifetime'; situations many times, and she continually turns them down. he wants her to start a business. he will fund it, but she will manage it and ream the profits - a perfect opportunity. his only condition is that she moves. (she currently lives about 5 hours away from my parents. I live an hour north) he wants her to either move back in with them or to move here and live with me. but she refuses to move because we all hate her boyfriend and he's not welcome... she has told my parents many times that she chooses her piece of crap boyfriend over them, and it breaks their hearts as well as mine. i've been trying to think of ways how to fix this situation without upsetting her (too much anyways, because we dont want her to just completely leave and never talk to us). i was thinking that maybe she could get involved in some program that would keep her busy. she really likes animals, but doesn't want to work at the humane society. any suggestions? any other ideas of what to do?I need family advice.?
in this situation you need to use tough love on it's like telling a kid don't touch the fire and at the end he don't listen and touch the fire to see if it's really hot so there's nothing you can really do beside letting her make her mistake and she will eventually turn around and learn from her own mistake she a grown women she's not a child sometime people need to hit rock bottom to climb back up again trust me i know lot of people who go thru this good luck
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