Thursday, August 19, 2010

I need family advice?

my sister has a son with a guy who lives in a different state. once my nephew was born, this guy became verbally abusive to my sister and threw her out when my nephew was six months old. she stayed with friends and then moved in with my parents. she has now moved by me and this guy has been screwing with her emotions, and also got another girl pregnant.

needless to say, im not a huge fan of this guy. well he told my sister he wanted to move here and be with her... she flew down with nephew to get him and drive up and when she was there his family told her he was screwing with her bla bla. so she puts her foot down and flies back here. now she is saying he is renting a uhaul and on his way. I know she can do better and i want to be supportive but this is super hard!I need family advice?
if you know for a fact that this guy is no good, you do not have to support the relationship. that doesn't mean disown your sister and nephew. keep them close but, when it comes to the guy, let her know that you won't have anything to do with him.I need family advice?
She NEEDS to avoid this guy. She's probably going back to him and keeping in-touch with him because she feels lonely, wants the baby to be w/ his father, she's insecure, and because he's an abuser and absuers have that affect on people. Convince her not to let him stay with her and talk to her and tell her how much you care about her. Tell her how you feel about this and how you this is NOT a good/healthy enviorment for her and the baby. NOBODY should have to live this way and tell her that you are here for her and that you love her.

If she gets a tape recorder and records what he says, then she can get a restraining order and/or maybe have him put away.

I hope this helps and she can be in a better situation soon!
keep her reminiding the future if she stays with that guy. tell her to move on but be supportive.

if she is going to be with that guy she will need all your support one day. so be there when she needs you.
Hie Cryl. Well to me it is hard for you sister to move in back to her own house after what has happen to her and she must be very sad after she heard that her husband had screwed another girl and this is something very bad whereby it can really effect your sister, although at the first time she had been abused then it is not good for him to do it, although he is facing problem she should not do this, but he should at least sit down and talk, by rather of him doing this way there won't be any solution to it and there won't be any point too so it is good that you want to be supportive but let them to sit and talk first then it is better for you to be supportive towards it. Try this and hope it miight help you.

ALL THE BEST.......................

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